English below:
U najnovijem izveštaju međunarodne organizacije Just Finance (Pravedne finansije) koja istražuje kineska ulaganja širom sveta navodi se da je tokom izgradnje jednog od najvažnijih puteva u Srbiji prekršeno nekoliko zakona.
Reč je o Autoputu E-763, koji gradi gradi kineska kompanija CCCC (China Communications Construction Company), koja je inače na crnoj listi Svetske banke i SAD zbog sumnji za umešnost u korputivne aktivnosti na Filipinima.
Autoput u čiju je izgradnju u Srbiji uključena ova komapnija, deo je Koridora 11, koji bi trebalo da poveže Beograd i Jadransko more, predviđene ukupne dužine od 269 kilometara kroz Srbiju.
U izveštaju, objavljenom 15. februara, podvlači se da je projekat izgradnje deonice puta E-763 u Srbiji imao negativan uticaj na životnu sredinu.
Nils Riasare (Nils Resare), istraživač Just Finance, u razgovoru za Radio Slobodna Evropa (RSE) podvlači da je uočeno ugrožavanje ekosistema na reci Moravi.
“Šteta je ekosistemu u reci naneta tako što je oko 20.000 kubnih metara šljunka izvađeno iz korita reke i to bez ikakve zvanične dozvole. Sama reka Morava sa priobaljem stanište je više od četrdeset vrsta ptica. Pre nego što počnete sa kopanjem šljunka u ovakvoj reci potrebno je da imate urađenu studiju o uticaju na životnu sredinu, u skladu sa zakonima Srbije, ali tako nešto, u ovom slučaju nije urađeno”, navodi Riasare.
The latest report by the international organization Just Finance, which investigates Chinese investments around the world, states that several laws were violated during the construction of one of the most important roads in Serbia.
It is about the E-763 highway, which is being built by the Chinese company CCCC (China Communications Construction Company), which is otherwise on the black list of the World Bank and the USA due to suspicions of involvement in corporate activities in the Philippines.
The highway, in the construction of which this company is included in Serbia, is a part of Corridor 11, which should connect Belgrade and the Adriatic Sea, with a planned total length of 269 kilometers through Serbia.
The report , published on February 15th, underlines that the project to build a section of the E-763 road in Serbia has had a negative impact on the environment.
Nils Resare, a researcher at Just Finance, told Radio Free Europe (RFE) that the ecosystem on the Morava River has been threatened.
“Damage to the ecosystem in the river was caused by removing about 20,000 cubic meters of gravel from the riverbed without any official permission. The Morava River itself with its shores is home to more than forty species of birds. Before you start digging gravel in a river like this is that you have done a study on the impact on the environment, in accordance with the laws of Serbia, but something like that has not been done in this case, “says Riasare.
Read the article in full (in Serbian): Radio Slobodna Evropa